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Olivenöl Seife (mit oliven Kern)

4,00 inkl. USt.



Durch die Olivenkerne hat diese Seife einen wunderbaren peeling Effekt.

ANTA olive soap is hand made with pure 100% olive oil only, salt and Potassium Hydroxide

  • No additional aroma sort of odourless
  • No colours
  • No preservatives
  • Does not produce foam

Ideal for the skin it makes it jung and smoothe
but also Ideal for getting rid oil and blood stains from your cloths!!!
In Greece we use it also for our clothes especially for baby wear. I always laugh with all this different soaps with olive soap I make my whites whiter, my colours brighter, my woollens softer……

Olive oil soap has anti-inflammatory effects and is non-irritating to the skin. It helps to gently clean even the most sensitive skin including skin abrasions, rashes and even sunburns. Olive oil soap is known to provide relief to skin conditions like acne, eczema and psoriasis.

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Wien, Maria-Enzersdorf